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We may collect information about you in order to accept catalogue subscription, to register auction participation and for other necessary reasons. In any case we are committed to protecting and respecting your privacy according to following principles.

1. Basic Guideline

We conduct our privacy security policy according to our compliance program based upon JIS Q 15001 GUIDE LINE.

2. Purpose of Using Your Private Information

We collect your private information in order to:

  1. register you as a subscriber for our auction catalogues
  2. register you as a buyer or seller in our auction
  3. identify you when you participate in our sale room
  4. rate your financial credibility as a buyer
  5. send you necessary information related to our auction
  6. gather your opinion regarding us and art market in general

We delete all of your private information without any condition and delay when we receive official notification from you.

3. How to protect your privacy

We compile and stock your private information in our closed system database to protect your privacy from any illegal access to steal, rewrite or destruct them. We will take all reasonable and appropriate steps to protect the security and integrity of all personal information provided to our website, or be any other means electronic or otherwise.

4. Information sharing and disclosure

We never rent, sell, or share any of your private information unless obtaining your permission. We, however, without your permission, may disclose such information if we are required to do so by a valid Court Order, if we are lawfully requested by government or law enforcement authorities, if we are required to do so pursuant to other legal processes, or if it becomed nessessary to protect the rights or property of Mainichi Auction.

5. Security measures when outsourcing

When we outsource necessary part of our business practice such as sending catalogues, conducting market survey and etc. we choose such agents very carefully and never commission such works to the companies or institutions that do not fulfill our standard of privacy policy. We also make periodical inspection to examine if such standard is observed at our outsourcing partners.

6. Improvement of our security protection system

We treat your private information as highly confidential and have implemented processes in order to make sure that only employee who need to know specific information have access to it. To observe our privacy policy strictly we appoint privacy security supervisor and under his/her supervision we constantly improve our structure and system to protect your private information through continuing training of our employees belonging to such section.

Mainichi Auction Inc.
President: Hiroaki Mochizuki

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